OMFG Series 2 voting is.. now! ~ Rubberfever Head to October Toys' Forum topic and pick your 5 favourite concepts/designs. The winners will receive the honor to be immortalized forever(as far as plastic lasts..) in toy form and shipped to toy collectors around the world. Can you imagine a better purpose for a toy? There are over 400 designs...
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« Back Mar 12, 2012 00:00:00 by nanoFatato
OMFG Series 2 voting is.. now!

OMFG Series

Head to October Toys' Forum topic and pick your 5 favourite concepts/designs.

The winners will receive the honor to be immortalized forever(as far as plastic lasts..) in toy form and shipped to toy collectors around the world.
Can you imagine a better purpose for a toy?

There are over 400 designs to choose from, it will be soooo hard.
TAGS » Exclusives, Indie, Minifigures, Monocolored, OMFG!

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